Dementia Friendly Middleton
Site Redesign
By Dana Borremans and Tiffany Franke
Dana and I were approached by Dementia Friendly Middleton to have us redesign their current website.

We noticed a lot of room for improvement as far as accessibility for the people we would expect to use their site. We also noticed a lot of dead space that seemed unnecessary.

We started with some questions to better understand the goal, and wrote up a creative brief so we are all on the same page.
We spent time going over what the goals of the redesign were to make sure we didn't lose site of the importance of the goals. We also made sure that we utilized the information that was available on their site that they wished to keep would be used and moved into a more accessible space whether we had to make images bigger, change images, or just make typeface changes we wanted the site to be clear for anyone wishing to use it.

We took time looking at other sites that were informing the users of information about dementia and found that we needed a clear plan on colors and images, as well as a clear typeface to help bring this to the accessibility level we wanted. We were turned down for a few colors we had thought to use, but we were still able to make color changes and such that would improve the accessibility.
We started with a basic wireframe, which we changed to a high rez wire frame to show to the client to help better understand our goals.

We were given some changes that they would like to see made and so we made them and started our functioning prototype in weebly, to find out that we could not do much of what we needed in that platform. We had discussed these concerns early on so that we wouldn't be holding the project up and agreed that Wix would be a better platform and would allow us to make the changes that were needed.

Our revised wireframe and we went on to find we needed to use Wix to achieve our design instead of Weebly. We were able to convince the board we were working with that they would rather use Wix and they could then add in their new chapter of West Madison.
software: Figma, Wix